Growth Code

Individual Coaching

Discover your potential for growth and transformation.

Transactional analysis is said to have changed many people’s way of thinking and in general their approach to themselves, others and the world around us. My aspiration is to support your transformation through coaching, using the methodological framework of TA. As a TA coach, I am committed to supporting you on the path of self-discovery, discovering your potential and changing in the desired direction.

What is individual coaching?

  • Individual coaching is a partnership that is shaped according to your needs and goals, and supports you in solving the challenges you face today at work or in your career. As a certified EMCC senior practitioner individual coach, I use experience and knowledge to support you in activating your unique potential. My clients are managers and senior leaders in Serbia and the region.

How can individual coaching benefit you?

  • Individual coaching can benefit you in many ways. Imagine having a dedicated professional who listens to you without judgment, asks you thought-provoking questions, and pays attention and supports you in the process you are going through. Through individual coaching, you can clarify your goals, recognize and overcome your limiting habits of thinking and behavior, expand your self-awareness, build self-confidence, reduce your stress level, or learn how to deal with stress constructively.

What is my coaching approach?

  • Clients sometimes ask me to describe my coaching approach. I believe that every coaching relationship is different, and that each of us has a unique moment in life where we meet and co-create together. I am a TA coach and my coaching approach is grounded in the TA philosophy. The TA philosophy starts from a position of equality, while respecting the client's potential to think and see things from the perspective of new information and to come into contact with their capacities for change.

Ready to schedule individual coaching?

You can contact me here to schedule an information session.

Growth Code

Team Coaching

Teamwork helps teams to be successful, however, teamwork alone does not lead to success. (Katzenbach, Smith, 1993)

You lead a team of exceptional people, but do you feel that something is missing to really become a team? Your team delivers great results, however, do you recognize that you could achieve much more? You conducted a team building that encouraged bonding and trust within the team, but the effects and commitment are short-lived?

  • Common to all these challenges is a tool that can help you successfully solve such and similar trends - hire team coaches who will support you to effectively improve the performance of your team.
  • During team coaching, the leader and team members work together to improve team performance, most often through setting goals and objectives, as well as working on topics in the field of structure, relationships and culture within the team.
  • Agility makes our approach different, we are committed to encouraging your team to insights and effective transformation in the desired direction.

Growth Code

Contact us for more information